Live Sunday Morning service and other ways to stay connected with Greater Acquaintance during Covid-19
During COVID-19 we will be in the building for 11:30 Sunday Morning Worship Service only. We continue to hold the following services virtually.
Sunday School Commentary
Sundays at 10am
FacebookLIVE - Go to Greater Acquaintance Church
YouTube - Greater Acquaintance Church
Sunday Sermon
Sundays at 12:00 noon
FacebookLIVE - Go to Greater Acquaintance Church
YouTube - Greater Acquaintance Church (Immediately following FacebookLIVE broadcast)
Bible Study
Wednesdays at 6:00pm
ZOOM Meeting - ID 365 282 1831 Passcode: Biblestudy
Prayer Meeting
Fridays at 7:30pm
Call (602)580-9673 Code 3531620
3-Minutes of Inspiration
YouTube - Greater Acquaintance Church
All Podcast Platforms
Women In Prayer
Daily prayer every morning 6:00am-8:30am
Call (605)313-5105 Code 100525
Submit your PRAYER REQUEST at